Friday, June 09, 2006

Brain Prescription Drug Warnings

I have progressed from being an enthusiastic supporter of psychotropic drug research and the therapeutic use of mind drugs 30 years ago, to a disenchanted skeptic who is convinced that drug prescriptions to change mood, attitude, thinking and memory are mostly ill-advised and may often be harmful.

I argue that responsible adults need to become better informed about prescription drugs and exercise constraint when seeking and accepting prescriptions that alter their brain function. I will also argue that prescriptions for psychotropic drugs for children and the elderly are increasing unreasonably and need to be voluntarily constrained by physicians, resisted by family members and controlled by government regulators.

Many, if not most, humans alter their consciousness and behavior by deliberately consuming chemicals to alter they way their brain works. The general principal is that materials that enter human noses and mouths play a role in determining the nature and operation of their mind. We could think of this as the local molecular flow through the brain that alters, expands or contracts the contents of the mind. The brain, as the organ of mind, is the receiving set for the wisdom of the universe. If the receiver is out of tune, not working properly, the wisdom of the universe is either not received at all or the message is garbled.

For updates on drug warnings see our new page Brain Drug Warnings

Also, read the Book of Brain by Stephen Gislason MD